Tuesday, August 14, 2018

No Trust.

       Ya know, our forefathers were not a trusting lot. They didn't trust presidents to act in the best interest of the people. They had had a king and didn't like it. That's why we have a Congress. In theory the Congress would put a hold on the President. And if that wasn't enough, they put a judiciary in place to keep them all honest. They didn't envision a single party in charge of them all. Congress was supposed to be politely against what the President wanted to do. And the judiciary was supposed to tell them all if they weren't following the constitution.
       The thing is, our founding fathers just didn't trust presidents to do the right thing. They trusted Washington because they knew he didn't want the job. They would have loved Lincoln and FDR and Ike might have been a favorite. JFK certainly would have been in their hearts. Even Reagan and Obama would have met with their approval, but some would have proven to them that they had been wise in having three separate but equal divisions of government.
       Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves to see those separations becoming one. When a Congress becomes an apologist for the President and a judiciary becoming the yes men we're in trouble. The only thing that can save our democracy is an election. This November that election comes about. The reigning party must be committed to a minority status if we are to have a strong democracy again. If you don't believe me, ask one of our founding fathers by reading about him.

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