Monday, July 9, 2018

What To Do.

       What does it take to embarrass a judge? Recently a one year old child was brought before a judge without his parents. Now why would anyone force a one year old to appear in court? The judge was required to ask the infant if he understood the proceedings. That's what embarrassed the judge. The boy was one of the very lucky ones because he had a court appointed lawyer. I wonder if he approved of the lawyer appointed to his case. What crime did he commit?
       There are about one hundred children under five who are being held and only a very few have a court appointed lawyer. Altogether there are about three thousand children being held. What are the chances of even a twelve year old understanding court proceedings in a language not his own?
       The child's name is Johan. He was separated from his father at the border with Mexico. His father has already been sent back to Honduras. That's the crime the infant committed. What  dastardly evil, career criminal this one year old is. Why, I'll bet he even dirties his diaper on occasion. Prison is too good for him. 
       The thing is, if we don't send this child to jail, what to do with him. What's that? Did someone say reunite him with his father? But that's all the way in Honduras. We can't just UPS him home, ya know. If we have to send him back, we might have to send an agent with him. They may not like our agents down there. Maybe one of the Trump family could go. After all, it was daddy's idea in the first place.

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