Saturday, July 8, 2017

Here's The Problem.

       I've been making a mistake for some time now. I've filled these page with the mistakes, miscues and dumb actions be President Trump. And while I'm not going to promise to stop entirely, I'd like to focus on the problems created by those things about Trump.
       We've got some real problems in America, not the least are: N. Korea has a missile that can reach America and very  likely can be fitted with a nuclear bomb. Russia has hacked into our election process and it looks like they're trying to hack into our nuclear energy system. A Congress that is so deeply divided they can't get anything done. And these are just a start. we need to concentrate on these issues and not petty barbs coming off the internet.
       Here's what I suggest; the president, his cabinet, advisors from all the intelligence services and any other necessary advisors and all go to Camp David for three or four days. Trump would be required to leave all internet devices at the white House as would everyone else. Access to the rest of the world would be handled by staff and those who needed to would be granted supervised outside contact.
       Some advisors would come and go as needed. The agenda would focus on our major problems. The goal would be to resolve, as much as possible, those most pressing concerns. Camp David is the perfect spot for such a gathering because of its isolation. Nowhere else can such a large group meet without outside interference or distractions.
       So, what are the chances of my idea coming to pass? About as much chance as I have of setting a new world record in the 100 meter foot race. Not Congress,  not the White House nor any other division of our Government has the interest to resolve any of these issues as long as they can continue to argue with each other. They enjoy it too much.

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