Sunday, September 25, 2016


       Ya know, I actually thought Charlatan was Donald Trump's middle name. Turns out its not who he is, its what he is. He's a showman, of the P.T. Barnum class of hucksters. Look at the way he finally admitted Obama was born in America. He called for a huge announcement and speech at his new hotel in Florida.
       He spoke a bit and then slipped in a one sentence statement that flatly stated what everyone knew to be the case, although a few still wished the opposite. And then took every media member there on a tour of his new edifice. It was a total infomercial, a grand opening complete with giveaways.
       Now I don't begrudge Mr. Trump the opportunity to trick the media into doing his bidding, its easy to fool a fool, even for a fool. What gripes me is Donald Trump has no idea what's involved with the Presidency and what's far worse, he doesn't care. And if you don't care about it, you can then say anything that comes to mind, even if it makes no sense as long as it sounds good coming out.
       His talk about reviving the coal industry. Especially in northeastern Pennsylvania, but everywhere else as well. Coal is a dying beast and good riddance. For all the health problems it causes and has caused workers nothing could be better for the world than the demise of coal.
       And that's just for starters. In nearly every, no I take that back because I can't think of a single idea emanating from his mouth that's worthy of serious consideration. I was going to say his brain, but I decided not to. For any other major league politician, he'd come in third in a two candidate race. It's getting to be time to wake up folks.

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