Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Great Thing Is ???

       I received a joke today from a good friend and it got me to thinking. It read : HISTORICAL FACT. Who said building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2000 years ago, and they still don't have any Mexicans.  That's all true. So maybe I've been wrong about this wall thing all along.
       And if that's the case, maybe I've been wrong about a lot of things. In fact my wife tells me that all the time. So I guess I need to start rethinking more of Trump's ideas. Like Muslims for instance. What if we did stop all Muslims from coming into America, in fact we should kick any already here along with any Hispanics, just kick them all out.
       Maybe we should take a good, long, hard look at the northern border as well. What with the southern border shut off, those terrorists are apt to decide to visit scenic Canada in order to get at us. Alaska would be problematic, but we can leave them to Gov. Palin. That leaves just our sea ports. I'm gonna have to think about how we build walls around them.  And I suppose we'll have to worry about airports as well. Geez, this thing is getting out of hand.
       Next, we've got to think about jobs, and how to house all the extra military we're gonna have. As for jobs, maybe enlarging the military will solve that question. We're gonna hafta start a pup-tent company for all these new recruits to live in. And farms, we're gonna hafta have more farms near the pup-tent areas to feed them. I wonder how ya heat a pup-tent in the winter?
       Now about foreign policy. I don't think that'll be any problem at all. We will be so great again that we won't need any friends and as for enemies, well, what with Putin in our president's pocket there really isn't anything to worry about there either. And healthcare? He's got that all figured out, he just hasn't taken the time to explain it all to us yet. It's like his tax returns. What with all the other stuff going on, he just hasn't had the time for us.

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