Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are We Americans Great Again Yet?

       Congratulations to President Donald Trump. His winning campaign was made possible, not by big money nor by self financing, not even as a result of his platform of blaming all our problems on Islam or that he is so rich and so brilliant, no, his election is a direct result of his supporters being better fighters than anyone else.
       Yes, his supporters are far better at handing out sucker punches and out-shouting any anti-Trump agitators who might have the temerity to show up anywhere and suggest Mr. Trump is not necessarily the best candidate for the job at this time, or any time, for that matter. If and when it comes to a knock down, drag out, slugfest, The Donald and his supporters, at his bequest, will stand toe to toe or to the enemies back and duke it out.
       And it doesn't matter whether the opponent is a crippled war vet or a preschooler, black, brown, Arab, Asian, European, or anyone else. Donald Trump and his supporters are ready to hate anyone who, in his unchallenged opinion, is worthy of his disdain.
       Gone are the days when Americans can come together for the good of all. Gone too are the days of polite disagreement, where Americans can have a civil discourse over their disagreements. Such disagreements are no longer tolerated. President Trump will not tolerate any deviation from his stated policies. That is unless he changes his mind. And of course, everyone well be expected to anticipate such changes and be prepared to agree.
       Non agreement is subject to a sound beating and re-education classes until you understand the necessity of total agreement with the one true leader, President Trump and his Vice-President, the "shouter in charge", V.P. Chris Christie. Yes friends, America is already Great Again.

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