Wednesday, December 24, 2014

It's Our Congress, Finally At Work

       Ho, Ho, Ho, and a very Merry Christmas to Wall Street. Yep, if you think you're getting a big kiss and a whopper of a Christmas present, you ain't seem nothing yet. See, Wall Street big whigs sat down and assisted Congress in writing and inserting a provision in it's huge trillion dollar plus spending bill that allows them to put, we the taxpayers, back on the hook for any risky financial bets they decide to try. If the bet works, they make bundles of dollars. If not, if they loose, we pay for their losses.
       Ya can't go wrong with a deal like that. Of course there were some in Congress who didn't like that idea. So they also inserted a clause allowing Wall Street and anyone else to increase their giving  up to a million and a half to each political party. That softened the hearts of Congress.
       But they didn't stop there. Now coal mining interests can go back to exploding mountaintops off and pushing the rubble back down into the streams. The old Mountaintop Removal Mining deal that pollutes the water that so many depend on for drinking. Then there's the long haul truck drivers who now can go back to 11 hours without stopping and 82 hour weeks. You remember, the problems we had with drivers overly tired and causing accidents? Well, it's back on the books.
       And there's a lot more, after all the bill was 1600 pages long. And it covers a whole lot of junk that had and has nothing to do with government spending. The National Memo pointed out these and many other interesting things, like the fact that all these add-ons came in the dark of night and not even most of Congress was aware of. The odd part is that it all comes from folks who have been demanding we shrink government.
       And all this happened while we had folks like Rep. Michael Grimm, who represents Staten Island, N.Y. You remember him, he's the Congressman who threatened a reporter and said to him, if you don't stay from me, I'll throw you over the railing. Remember? Well he's now pleaded guilty to felony tax evasion. All he did was cook the books or rather had two sets of books. He lied under oath and had 20 charges of tax fraud against him. but he fully intends to remain in Congress. I suppose there are more crooked deals for him to make before he leaves office. Congrats to all you Staten Islanders. you made a wise choice.

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