Tuesday, December 9, 2014

In Washington, Serving You.

       The TV news show Meet The Press has come up with the main reason why you don't think your Congressman quite understands how things are for you. Times are tough for almost everyone. Even if you're working full time and even if your spouse is working too. Ya see, the problem is that over half of them are millionaires. And all of them are making about three times as much as the average family. And while your investments have been averaging 4% per year growth, theirs have been growing at about 15% per year. In the 55 to 65 years old category, which includes most of them, their average wealth, not including real estate owned is just over a million dollars, but the average American family that age and including real estate is about $165,000.
       Now I don't mean to suggest that millionaires can't relate to the average person. No, what I'm suggesting is that millionaires don't generally care one way or the other about people who can't afford to join the same country club as them. Of course, unlike regular millionaires, our Congressmen and Senators have to appear to be sympathetic to the plight of the commoners they must represent. At least when it begins to come near to election time.
       Have you ever noticed how before the campaign season opens in earnest our legislators begin to visit the commoners they represent much like a fact finding mission. You think it's to determine what your needs are, but it's really all about learning the sound bites that will interest you the most. You know, sound bites like Benghazi or immigration or abortion rights or Obamacare or income inequality or even jobs. They know they've got to be able to bring these hot button issues into any statement they make. But in ways that will show they understand what you want to hear.
       In the meantime, they have to speak regularly with their investment councilors and schedule speaking engagements that put big bucks in their pockets. For some there are the ghost writers to consult with. And don't forget the fundraising, that's critical. Otherwise how would they be able to continue to make money, oops, I mean serve their constituents?

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