Thursday, August 21, 2014

What's wrong with the ACA?

       Let's see if we can clear up some confusion. With the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), if a poor person gets sick, he or she can go to the Doctors office. Of course, since the poor person can't afford to pay, who do you think gets stuck with the bill? Actually, it's other folks who are paying for their insurance and the taxpayers. So now lets look at the same case without Obamacare. The poor sick person has no choice but to go to the hospital emergency room when they get sick. So who pays for that visit? The people who do have insurance and the taxpayers. The difference is that a doctor visit is cheaper than the hospital visit.
       So if that's the case, why do people still want to see the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) terminated? Oh, I suppose many people who are covered on the ACA will not get sick any time soon, but everybody gets sick at one point or another. So unless you think that people who can't afford medical care should just do without and die, it doesn't make sense not to have the ACA in place.
       Now it's true, some good folks will have to pay a little more for insurance than they have been paying, but my guess is that once it's fully in operation, taxes will go down just about enough to cover the increased cost of insurance. Look at it this way, if you still think America has the best medical system in the world, and that's a really far stretch, then why wouldn't you want every American to benefit from it? Who could be so selfish as to not want to share it?
       And for people who are accustomed to so called Cadillac insurance policies and can afford them, you can still have one. You're just being asked to help pay for someone who can't afford any insurance. I'm convinced it'll be cheaper in the long run. Plus things like no pre-existing condition clauses and kids being able to stay on parent's policies until 26 are real advantages.
       So why are you allowing your representatives in Congress to continue the fight to eliminate the ACA? Seems to me you should tell them to give it a chance and fight to improve it, not kill it. I know, I know, they keep claiming it can't be fixed or improved. It's a terrible law, but it isn't and they don't have anything to offer in place of it except to go back to the old way. Here's the thing though, our old system was among the worst in the industrialized world. And that's a fact.

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