Sunday, August 3, 2014

This Is What They Signed Up To do.

       Okay, now let me see if I have this correct. Speaker John Boehner, the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Circus asks the house to give him authority to sue President Obama for exceeding his authority in issuing Presidential Executive Actions. So the House said yes, if he sued for just one of the many Executive Actions taken. So Boehner choses one in which Obama delayed the Affordable Care Act, a law the House has been trying to get eliminated.
       Next the House fails to pass a bill to address the crisis on the Mexican border. So Boehner suggests that Obama use his Executive authority to take action to handle the crisis. A step the House is going to sue Obama for doing. The next day, which was to be it's first day of the August vacation, the house uses to pass a bill for about 20% of what Obama asked for to finance the handling of the crisis on the Mexican border.
       In it's next step, the House votes, again strictly along party lines, to basically deport every illegal alien child in America and send them all back to their Country of origin, without so much as a hearing to determine if they have a right to stay here based on refugee status. Then, after the usual spate of name-calling, the House recesses for it's August vacation.
       So if they win their suit against the President, the law they hate will take effect sooner than later. Then they ask the president to do a few more of the acts they want to sue him for. Then they underfund the handling of the crisis by 80%. Then they heap more work on those required to handle the crisis by requiring them to deport all the kids they can find and all those they can't find as well. Then the House goes on vacation for a month.
       Well I don't see any problem here. It sounds like a wise group of leaders shirking their duty, just like they were elected to do. It's what we've come to expect of the U.S. Circus.

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