Sunday, September 1, 2013

Who Cares If Syria Uses Gas?

       Ross Douthat made a really good point in the NY Times this morning. What he said, basically, is that since America is the only Superpower left, it's up to us to demand certain standards be kept in the world. Now I don't like the idea of going to war in Syria even a little bit. But I grudgingly have to agree that some standard of civil strife be maintained.
        When you think about it, you have to admit that no matter what, people are going to disagree from time to time. Some people will come to blows over disagreements. That's just the way some folks are wired. Some countries will find the need to fight over some things. America can't stop it all the time, no matter what. Differing factions will from time to time need some release mechanism. Civil wars and small international conflicts have and will always crop up in spite of the best diplomatic efforts to the contrary.
        But what must be in the best interests of all people and all nations is that some limitations be placed on societies in the name of humanity. That means that if one group or country or even person crosses the line of those limitations, there must be some repercussions for those offenses. A measured response. If it happens again, repercussions again, and so on until the offenses cease. And the responses need to be sufficient to inform the offender that he or she must cease to offend.
       If two drunks start swinging at each other, friends usually try to break it up. But if they keep it up, then the friends usually throw their hands up and walk away. Now if one pulls a knife or gun, then it's time for the police to step in. In Syria, Assad pulled the gas. Who else can teach him not to do that, but America? We can wish the other guy would do it, but there just isn't another guy. We just need to clearly understand that it's a measured response. And then keep reminding ourselves.

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