Friday, September 6, 2013

Let's Talk Spending Cuts.

       Mr. President, I realize you've got your hands full with Syria and all, but I also know that soon the discussion is going to get back to budgets and debt limits and the sequester and what to cut as well as how much and where to make cuts in order to reduce spending. And when those discussions come up again, we all know there will be a full court press to rein in entitlement spending.
       As sure as the earth turns, there will be strong voices demanding severe cuts to the safety nets that provide help to the poorest among us. So, rather than fight this onslaught, I'd like to make a suggestion on how to apportion the cuts that will be demanded. When the time comes to vote on these draconian cuts, you should make it clear and very public, that the districts that are represented by the yes votes in favor of the cuts, will be the districts where such cuts will be assigned.
       In other words, lets make sure that the folks who vote to cut entitlements are the Representatives and Senators who's constituents will be effected. On the other hand, those legislators who vote against cuts to the entitlements will be able to reward their constituents with uncut entitlements.
       I realize that by using this apportionment system, those districts to face cuts will, of necessity, face more drastic cuts in order for those more fortunate districts not to be forced to face any cuts. I believe that it will work out quite fairly though, since it is the most conservative states and districts that use the most in entitlements and pay in the least, while the more liberal districts and states pay in the most and use the least.
       So you see, there would be real equity in such a solution. It would force each Congressman and Senator to look deep into their own hearts and into the eyes of those within their districts and know that their decision and vote will directly affect the folks who will vote for or against them in their next election. It could spur them to find other means of saving money and cutting spending. Perhaps they might even consider a bill to reduce their own pay and perks. Well, maybe not.

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