Sunday, May 19, 2013

See What Ya Missed?

       Ya See! If you had elected me president, I could have eliminated the national debt or at least been well on the way to doing so by now. The thing is, I have a plan that will work. Guaranteed. I can assure you that
I would pay off the national debt in less than ten years. Not only that, but I would lower corporate taxes from the current 35% to 30%.
       Not only that, but I would have agreed to lower the corporate taxes by 1% each time the debt decreased by one forth, so that when our debt was paid off, the corporate tax rate would be 26%. Try to find any other candidate that could have promised that. Oh, I know, every candidate would have promised that, but I have a real, verifiable plan that cannot fail to accomplish this goal.
       Not only that, but it would have given us enough of a surplus to stimulate the economy to boot. Now I don't want this to get out, but here's my plan. First of all, I would require any company doing business in America to pay taxes on the profits of any business done in America. Secondly I would tax any American corporation on the profits made in any other country by the difference between what they pay there and what our rate is. So if they do a billion dollars worth of business in Estonia with profits of 200 million, and Estonia's tax rate is 10%, then that company would owe America 20% or $40 million..
       Lastly I would eliminate one tax loophole. Currently if a corporation decides to relocate an operation to China or India or any other country, they get a tax write-off for the cost of moving jobs. Well, if they move jobs off-shore, there's not gonna be any write-off for that. Now, there will be at least one exception to all of this. Companies like GE will be exempt. That's because they didn't pay any taxes the last I heard. They owed no taxes and got back $3 billion from Uncle Sam. We just can't afford to lower their taxes any more.
       One last thing. If for some unknown reason my plan wasn't working, then all subsidies to any and all companies, industries or persons would be suspended until the national debt was paid off. Probably about three years. This would not include subsidies for the poor.

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