Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Distractions Are Amazing.

       Okay, we've had some time to digest the three latest "Watergate like" exposes of the Obama years. I will say, this president has had his share, and then some. There has been the birth discussions, mainly by a certain real estate developer/gambling mogul/sometime presidential candidate. That accusation blew up in his face, but there still are some Birthers out there.
       Then we had the complaints over his announcing the killing of Osama BinLaden. But hey, he did have the right to make the announcement. How about the bad talk of his not closing Gitmo? But he promised. Of course, if Congress won't let you do it, and no states will accept the prisoners, then what did you expect?
       There have been many examples including the complaint of his unwillingness to have an open inclusive administration. Now on that one he has been less than forthcoming. But what about these latest three? First was Benghazi. But after all these months of accusations it turns out that the talking points he was accused of, actually came from General Petraeus as head of the CIA.
       Then there was the one I really thought he was wrong about. The deal with checking out reporters phone records. Now that was overreach. Except that whoever leaked that to the press, did in fact, endanger people's lives. People who were helping us. People in a sting operation. Naw, he did the right thing. And he's not interested in prosecuting the press. Only the perp.
       So that leaves just one of the intrigues that prominent statesman and a few wackos claimed would bring this president down. The IRS scandal. Which as I've said, such in depth investigations should be carried out on anyone applying for tax exempt status. But it just doesn't seem to be attached to Obama.
       The thing is that with all his flaws, and there certainly are some, there's been nothing that can measure up to the level, or down to the level, of recent history regarding impeachment, no matter what some folks prey for. Those folks can be indignant all they want, but so far, the President is on firm footing. The thing is, the real work of government ain't getting done.

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