Sunday, May 5, 2013

Red Or Blue, Money Helps.

       Ya know what? If you live in a red state or a purple state or even a blue state, if your state is still thinking about signing up for the Obamacare online marketplaces, or has decided not to sign up for it and let the federal government do it, you should think again. Did you know there are more uninsured citizens in red states than in blue states? Here's the thing, if your state signed up, it's getting more from the government to help you figure out what's the best insurance for you, than the states that didn't sign up.
       The point is why should your state be obstinate and refuse the money while most others are gonna get the money? Unless of course, your state doesn't care if you get insurance coverage or not. In fact the states that aren't doing anything about it are mostly thinking they can save more money by not giving you insurance.That way they can give out bigger tax cuts to the wealthy.
       But where do most of the people live that don't have insurance coverage? Answer, they live in the states that refuse to go along with the new federal health law. Which happens to be the red states. I guess what I don't get is why those states who refused the money think it's better to save money than it is to give healthcare to those in need? Saving money is a good thing unless it involves your health.
       Look, I understand not agreeing with the president. I don't agree with him all the time either, but when it comes to giving a helping hand to those in need and at the same time eliminate the costs to hospitals and the government of treating those same people when they get sick, why not? The government pays, either way, so why not give these folks the kind of medical care that will likely keep them healthy. Which, by the way, will save tons of money in the long run. That's because a doctor visit is way cheaper than a hospital visit.

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