Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Maybe The Forefathers Were Smarter Than Some People Think.

       I wasn't going to write anything today in the blog. But then I read the local newspaper. There were two letters to the editor that caught my eye. Both had to do with gun rights as loosely explained in the 2nd amendment of the constitution. I say loosely explained because the 2nd amendment doesn't list the specific guns that are permitted or those that are specifically banned.
       What it does say is that because a well regulated militia is necessary and advisable, people must be allowed to keep and bare arms. This right cannot be infringed or taken away. It doesn't say any person can keep and bare any weapon he or she wants.
       Why do you suppose the forefathers didn't specify particular weapons? You don't suppose they were farsighted enough to realize that some weapons should not be held or borne by just anybody, do you? Do you think there might have been some crazys around way back then? If so, what's the likelihood that the forefathers might have known about that kind of risky person and not tried to list every gun then known or dreamed of?
       Hey, I'll bet they hadn't even heard of the NRA way back then. If they had, maybe they would have outlawed them and similar organizations and corporations. Too bad they didn't know about the NRA. Think how peaceful things would be without that dangerous, inflammatory, attack-mongering organization.
       It's simply inconceivable that our forefathers would have wanted anybody and everybody to own a weapon that can kill thirty or forty people without reloading, knowing that some people would misuse and abuse those rights. At least not without some way to curb those rights for such people.

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