Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Interview Of A Lifetime.

       Have you ever heard people talk about whether Jesus is a Republican or Democrat? Sure you have. Well, just the other day I had the opportunity to interview Jesus. I put that very question to him. Here's what he said. He told me that he had been a Republican ever since the party's beginnings. He said that when the Republicans nominated and then elected Abe Lincoln, he was sold on their bravery and commitment to the idea that all men are created equal.
       He continued for many decades to agree with and side with the Republicans. But then he noticed some unusual changes in the party's allegiances. They began to favor the favored over the needy. They began to prefer to sup with the rich man over the poor man. Soon they wanted to lessen the constraints on the rich man and put the restraints on the poor man.
       Then Jesus told me he left the Republicans in favor of the Independents. For the Independents refused to do the bidding of either party. It was the feeling of Independents that they could and should support whichever side did the right thing.
       But as time went on, the Independents found that, more and more often, they were forced to side with the Democrats because of the Republican's intolerance. Surely not most Republicans, but by smaller more vocal sects and by it's leadership.
       Then Jesus told me he felt forced to become a Democrat. That's because the Republicans were not only intolerant but were becoming too violent with their guns and threats. And besides Republicans were beginning to try to exclude him from voting. And then the Republicans demanded to know when they had done any of these things to Jesus.
       Jesus answered; When-so-ever you have done these things to the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto me.  

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