Saturday, January 5, 2013

Just How Much Is A Trillion Dollars.

       Hey friend, ya got change for this Trillion dollar bill I got? No I ain't kidding. It's really a Trillion dollar bill. I got it from the Federal Reserve. You've heard that thing was one of the options some folks say the President has to solve the Debt Ceiling crisis, haven't you? I mean The Debt Ceiling Crisis.
       Does everyone know what the debt ceiling is all about? That's when the amount of money that Congress has said they will allow to be spent, is reached. Then the Congress has to pass new legislation authorizing a higher limit. No problem for many years, but now the Republicans say they will again demand cuts to entitlements and other government programs before they'll agree to raise the ceiling.
       But if the Trillion dollar bill idea is actually legal, then no President will have to go to Congress on the Debt Ceiling anymore. They can just print another trillion dollar bill. So is that fair? Well, it is if you consider that Congress already voted to spend the money in the first place. Congress bought the programs, wars and everything else that caused the debt. How can they now decide not to pay the bills they racked up? I can tell you that if I decided to buy a house in the Florida Keys and then decided not to make the payments, I know what would happen. They'd take the house and sell it. If the selling price didn't cover the loan, they'd come after me for the balance.
       So what if Congress decided to let the country go bankrupt by defaulting? Who would get hurt? Some foreign countries?  Like China, maybe? Well too bad for them, right? But what about lots of retired people and pension plans and IRAs that have invested in America. They'd lose everything. Different story isn't it. So maybe that trillion dollar bill doesn't look so foolish after all. There's just one big question left. Which one of you has change?

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