Friday, May 25, 2012

When is Communication Not Communication?

Have you ever heard of the "Domestic Communications Assistance Center"? It's somewhat like a place you can go to if you're having a problem communicating. Somewhat, but not the way you think. Actually it's a new agency of government that assists other government agencies to hack into your Facebook account, or Skype of Tweeter, or pretty much any other way you try to communicate to friends or relatives, or, presumably fellow terrorists. Does that surprise you? No? Does it concern you? Well if not it should. It's not so much that uncle Sam is looking over your shoulder and listening in on your conversations, he does, or at least can. But this is taking it a step further. Maybe even a giant leap for the men in black. Now I agree it's important to catch the terrorists, but let us not forget why. We are trying to protect our way of life, right? Our constitutional  right? Like our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And how about the expectation of privacy, or the assumption of justice? Are they being safeguarded? Is Congress watching pout for us? Or are they just blindly doing as told? Law enforcement always wants more than they really need in permission to investigate and search for clues of wrongdoing. The question is; who's watching our backs? I've always assumed anything done in secret is not in somebody's best interest. I'm not accusing the government of setting this agency up in secret. All I'm saying is they haven't made any effort to let us know what they're doing. That and I'll bet they sort of slipped it into some other funding bill as an addition at the last minute. Maybe even late at night. You can bet they didn't consider it a benefit for you and me. If they had, they'd have publicized every ten minutes on the TV.

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