Saturday, May 5, 2012

George Will's Opinion Or Mine.

George F. Will, the conservative, lone deep thinker of the right, wrote today in the Washington Post that a congressman is assaulting the bill of rights by suggesting rights be taken away from corporations. He uses as another example, where someone wrote in a British Journal that "After Birth Abortions" are matters of moral indifference and how taking rights away from corporations would take them away from even churches, as examples of the left taking things to the extreme. I'm surprised he didn't mention the Alabama state congressman, I think it was, that pushed for fertilized eggs to be considered persons, just like the Supreme court decided corporations are. Taking them to the extreme would decide that a twinkle in the eye is eligible for personhood. Or that a corporation should have the right to vote in elections and even hold office, like the president. I wonder how long you would have to hold that twinkle or in which eye it would have to be in or would it have to be both eyes? When would that twinkle be allowed to vote? I can even see the State of The Union speech being announced. Misstah Speakah, the President of  United States of America. Apple (or would that be Mr Apple) or would he need a first name as well. Mr Delicious Apple. Better yet, Mr Granny Smith Apple. Or even Mr J. R. G. E. You'd have to wonder if that twinkle in the eye was a legitimate citizen or an illegal caused by a finger in an electric outlet. Next thing ya now people would be trying to sell twinkled eyes on the black market. No Mr Will, I think you'll have to admit, crazy is a non-partisan practice. Because for every crazy left-handed act of silliness you can find, they'll find two right-handed craziness examples. But of all of those you and I have mentioned today, making a corporation a person takes the cake, grabs the brass ring, wins the crown. I'll bet even Granny Smith would agree witrh me on that score.

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