Friday, July 22, 2011

Economics Made Easy.

There was this question put to us about why people think it's okay to increase taxes on the rich. He accurately pointed out that the wealthiest five percent of Americans pay 50 percent of the taxes and the top 50 percent of Americans pay 100 percent of the taxes. I asked if he thought the poorest 5 percent should pay 50 percent of the taxes and the poorest half of Americans should pay 100 percent of the taxes. Mine was a wise-acker question and that wasn't the point he was trying to make at all. But this was the reason I decided to run for president in the first place. Well, that and the desire to spend other peoples money without exposing myself to any legal ramifications. Anyway the real question that should be asked all over the country is, exactly who can figure out a fair way to extricate us from our indebtedness? Who can figure out how we can live within our means? Certainly, it isn't those in Congress. They're all rich and if they're not yet, they soon will be, and rich people have no idea how to live within their means. A rich person's idea of living within his or her means is like, as an example, you want to buy a yacht. So you call your financial handler and tell him to buy the yacht. He says you don't have enough money to buy it. You ask what you'll need. He tells you the amount. You say, "oh that's easy, I'll just fire 200 people". For a rich person, that's living withing your means. Only a poor person knows how to live withing his means. Like when you have to decide between paying the electric bill on time or putting food on the table. That's where the tire meets the road. And the road probably has ruts in it and your tires are bald. Well, my tires are bald so I can figure out how to solve all the problems in the world. And besides, I want to get rich as soon as possible. Actually it's all about tax loopholes. That's the answer to everything. All we have to do is to eliminate every tax loophole. Well all except for the ones that benefit me. They're fair. The ones that benefit other people are all dripping with pork fat. They're just plain bad for our health.

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