Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Prophet Glen Beck, et al

Anybody watch Glen Beck on Fox or listen to him on radio? Well I just read about his first appearance of Fox's Bill O'Rielley show. He said I'm afraid the constitution is hanging by a thread. That doesn't sound like any big deal. Until you understand that he's a Mormon. One of the beliefs of that church is the White Horse Theory. See, Joseph Smith, founder of the sect back in the 1800s is supposed to have said that when the Constitution is in grave danger and hanging by a thread, the elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) will be called upon to save the Constitution. They will ride in on a white horse. So now Fox News has a preacher working for them. Beck is, it turns out, preaching the Mormon gospel at the same time he's slamming the Democrats and Obama in particular. It seems Fox is not above turning a profit from a prophet. Like the pun? Well it's said, anyway. Here's the thing, is Fox in competition with ABC, NBC and CBS, or are they in competition with Comedy Central? I mean, they have a lineup that's over the top and certainly not to be believed, with the possible exception of O'Rielly. You start with insinuations during the day from commentators that end up on the evening news as fact. And everybody is making a fortune. What a deal.

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