Tuesday, July 27, 2010

War's Secrets Exposed

There's a couple of things we need to remember as we hear and read more and more about the secret documents that were exposed by some unknown person or persons. First, we need to realize that the person (s) who did it has an agenda. They are against the war. That doesn't mean they're right or wrong about the war. It simply means they don't want us fighting in that war. These secret documents, all 70,000 or 80,000 or 90,000 of them, still won't tell the whole story. Now, I have to tell you that I was against the Iraq invasion and war from the start. I'm still against it. The Afghanistan war is another subject. Iraq was strictly a war of choice. We got conned into that war. But Afghanistan was where all the planning for 9-11 came from. It's where we got attacked from. It's one thing to go to war because somebody likes the idea of going to war. It's quite another to go to war against people who are actively attacking you. Who are killing your people. Now, if we were to leave Afghanistan, it would wind up back in the hands of the very people who attacked us, giving them a safe haven from which to continue to attack us. It just doesn't make sense. Of course it doesn't make sense to try to fight a war with one tank tied behind our backs, either. Or if you prefer, one hand tied behind our backs. The point is our leaders never seem to be willing to go to war with everything we need, and give our troops all the leeway they need to win. Let's face it, we've been fighting the Afghan war only half-heartedly from the beginning. We're still doing it. What do we need to do? We need to send an additional 400,000 troops to Afghanistan, just for starters. What do I mean? Am I crazy? We don't have that many troops, do we? No, No, and No. But as long as the enemy thinks they can outlast us and outlast our support for this war, they cannot be beaten. Only a real show of honest support for victory against terrorism will make a difference. How can we convince terrorists we intend to defeat them? By showing that all of America is willing to feel the pain and discomfort necessary to win a World War. We did that in WW11 and we whipped an enemy that was ready to stand toe to toe against us. But it will take real support and real courage on the part of our leaders. Ask any Congressman or Senator, or President if he or she is ready to re- institute the draft. There's your answer to the question; Can we win the War on Terrorism? So, maybe if we're not willing to win the war, maybe these folks are right. Maybe we should cut and run.

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