Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moving Day

Have you ever had to move? Wasn't it a wonderful experience? Filled with the joys of anticipation and the pain of leaving old friends and even some who weren't so friendly. Which reminds me of an old Irish blessing that goes like this; Lord, bless those who love me, and Lord, turn the hearts of those who do not love me, so that they will love me, and Lord, turn the ankles of those who still do not love me, so I will know them by their limp. It's as favorite of mine. But back to the moving. If you have never moved your household, then you have never enjoyed the ecstasy of new back pains. If you have moved before, but have forgotten that simple pleasure, you will be reminded again. You will walk hunched over. You will have trouble sitting down or standing up. You will have trouble lying down or getting up. You will meet new people when you move. They will think you are very old and unable to stand upright. It will be several weeks before you can prove that untrue. I'm just getting ready to move and I've been visited by that beast already. It's a beast that will not soon move out. I will feed it with my grimaces and moans. It will grow stronger before it grows weaker and moves on. Say a prayer for my back. Make room in your heart for the beast. Someday, he'll visit you too.

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