Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Called Jobs Creation.

Is it time to take back some of the jobs we've lost to the likes of China? I mean, here's a country that uses it's currency as a tool for increasing it's industrial base and it's economy at the expense of America and the rest of the world. At the same time, it seems to not care if it's industry uses inferior and, at times, toxic materials to manufacture goods they send to America and elsewhere. Some of these industries are ones we lost to china. Or just gave up on and let them go. We have American corporations who send these jobs and technology to China to save a buck, then get subsidies and tax breaks from our own government. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not against subsidies and tax breaks for American companies. I think our government should be helping our industrial base, what little is left of it. But I am against rewarding companies for pulling jobs out of the country. That's just plain obscene. Instead, let's start rewarding companies for bringing jobs back as long as they keep them here. Now I know, I know, that might run afoul of international law or international good manners. The thing is, China doesn't worry too much about international good manners. It worries about how to get more jobs away from America. So either we need to get tough with China and I mean tough, not just whisper "please, thank you, may I" tough, I mean a good swift kick in the pocketbook, tough. Use the fact that they've sent us so many toxic and harmful products that we put a moratorium on all shipments from China while we do a study. Studies are great tools. They take way too much time and come to no real conclusions, so that another more in depth study is needed by a blue ribbon panel. Heck, we could draw it out for a decade if we wanted. Time enough to rebuild our industrial base. That way we'd be buying inferior products from ourselves. Well at least the jobs would come home.

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