Friday, May 21, 2010


I sure hope this country can come up with a system of government that doesn't include the two party system. But if it must have two parties, then I really hope it won't include the likes of Rand Paul. He's the son of Ron Paul, a Texas Senator who ran for President in 2008 as a Libertarian. But his son, Rand is so far to the right even ultra-conservatives can't see him and definitely don't want to be associated with him. Now, the Tea Party movement is fed up with the government. Well folks, get in line. It's a very long line. But for heavens sake, be a little more careful who you support. This Rand character wants to set this country back a hundred and fifty years. We need to move forward, not backward. Let's hope Kentuckians see through him. Rand is so out of touch, that he held his victory party for winning the primary at a country club in Bowling Green. Now, don't get me wrong, they probably throw a great party, and I'll bet they serve a wonderful meal, but the folks that voted him into the general election, couldn't afford such a place. I know Tea Partiers are angry at Obama, but at least he had the good taste to hold his election party in a park in Chicago. Now far be it from me to try to tell Tea drinkers what to do. OK I will try. Next time be a little more selective with your candidates. They call it vetting. Or you could say that you want to know if the person is a kook or not.

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