Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tax Cut Again?

       Remember that tax cut that got passed last year? Remember how it saved your financial lives by increasing your pay checks so much? What's that? It didn't increase your paycheck enough to even pay for the higher taxes you had to or will have to pay to cover the increase to our deficit and debt? Huh! Well it more than paid for those pesky taxes for the wealthy, and then some. In fact it paid for a big, WOW.
       It was so popular with the I% that they're asking for seconds. So Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan is trying to push through another tax cut for the wealthy, although on the sly. Unlike the last one that got so much publicity, this time it's being quietly pushed through and the hope for the Republicans is that nobody will find out or at least not until after the midterms.
       So the question is: Do you approve of the one percenters getting another huge tax break leaving you and I to contend with the increase in our debt and deficit? Or would you rather see a tax increase on the one percenters to help pay down that debt? After all, the rich are the ones responsible for the deficit and debt in the first place.
       I don't mean to be picky, but isn't it time for the one percenters to start paying their fair share?
And their idea of a fair share for them is to pay the same number of dollars in taxes as homeless, penniless, poor people. In other words they want a tax system that requires them to pay nothing at all and they think that's fair. I don't.

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