Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trump Just Keeps At It.

       Well it appears President Trump has given up on the medical legislation and has moved on to the tax legislation. But don't expect much change in the poor protection for the middle class. Ya see when the Prez says this bill will be a great benefit to the middle class but will hurt me, what he really means is that he's due for a big tax savings while you folks will get screwed again.
       And while the Republican party doesn't often agree with him, on this matter Congress is absolutely delighted. Ya see, what it actually means is the Trickle down theory will be fully implemented. Yep, once again more money in the rich man's pocket means more good paying jobs. That's because rich men just can't wait to hire more poor men at higher wages. It's in their DNA.
       Think about it, why would a rich man take a tax cut and throw away all that money on some poor slob with no cultural niceties. Wouldn't that greedy rich man rather keep the money for his own entertainment? And what kind of tax cuts will he benefit from? Well the so called "death tax" is one. Right now if you die, unless you have more than $5 million in your pocket you don't pay any tax. If you've got more than that then your estate has to pay the tax. If you're worth more than $5 million, you sure ain't poor.
       And that's just one of the things our favorite Prez is doing for us. He's also reducing our tax rate, along with the rate for the wealthy. Of course for us it'll mean fifty bucks while for the wealthy it'll probably mean 5 thousand bucks, but hey, ya gotta realize that his way of life requires more money. After all you may go to a very fancy restaurant once or twice a  year, but the rich guy's gonna go there once or twice a week. That costs more so he needs more in tax breaks. But you don't.

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