Friday, May 26, 2017

Nits & Lice.

       Well, President Pushy seems to be doing well on his maiden foreign trip. Ahh all except with our most secure friends and partners. That's where the new nick name comes in. First he told them all in NATO they were ,in effect, cheating us. Then when he realized there was a photo op and he wasn't in the front row, he pushed aside the head of Montenegro to get out front. It wasn't quite a body slam, but you could see he had no qualms about pushing aside anyone who happened to be in his way when it came to his, not so smiling faced and a camera.
       So now instead of "The Donald", you can call him "The Pushiest president ever." President Pushy Trump. Kinda has a ring to it, doesn't it. It's like that just elected Idaho Congressman Gianforte who did body slam a reporter. I guess he'll be called "Slammer" from now on, or should be. He was supported by Trump and is a big supporter of Trump. Birds of a feather, don't cha know.
       So what else is new? Trump's meeting with the Pope was mercifully short. That was a good thing. All in all, so far, he's batting pretty good, but as John Boehner, former Speaker of the House, said he's a disaster. He's still learning. And another former advisor to Trump in his primary campaign, this one with ties to organized crime is being looked into again. I'll say this for Trump. He knows how to get things done. One way or another.
       And while I don't think they mean much. even Faux News polls show Trump at his lowest approval ratings ever at 40%. And that's FOX. Imagine what the others see him at. If he doesn't turn things around, he'll be in minus territory by election time.

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