Monday, May 29, 2017

He Comes From On High.

       Ya know, we shouldn't be concerned about Jared Kushner being involved with Russia. After all, even President Trump has called him a "good person." On the other hand it's been shown that sixty nine point nine percent, that's 69.9% of everything Trump says is factually untrue. But getting back to Kushner, his business is real estate. He's in rentals big time. He's what's commonly known as a "slum lord" and everything distasteful about that connotation.
       So why should we worry about Jared? After all, he may well be the smartest guy in the White House these days. On the other hand, being smart doesn't automatically mean trustworthy. On the one hand, if he is and or was trying to open back street communications with Russia, it may just have been an attempt to buy up some sub-standard housing units in Moscow.
       And by the way, what is meant be the term slum lord? That's the kind of land lord who never fixes problems with his housing units but always goes after tenants for every dime they have whether they owe him or not. And of course if you're rich enough, you can afford pricey lawyers to sue on your behalf. The tenants don't have those kinds of lawyers. It's a rich man's perk.
       So you can ask anyone connected with Trump's White House and they'll tell you Jared is a good person. They'd better, if they know what's good for them. After all, he knows more about each and everyone's jobs and the potential for their individual firings if that's in the wind, then any of those White House hanger's on. I hope this helps you understand how important to our Security, business interests, healthcare, education,  defense, intelligence, and general well being, Jared truly is.

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