Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Climate Truth

       Who wouldn't want to protect our homes, the air we breathe and the water we drink? Who wouldn't want to protect our planet for our children and grandchildren? Well of course the answer is simple. Everyone wants these things. The problem comes in when doing these things bumps up against the needs and desires of we the people, the adults here and now. The voters, and jobs.
       We're none too keen on giving up our way of life for our grand and great grandchildren just because a few people say its necessary and that it won't cost us our jobs. It's easy to say that, but how can we be sure? After all, when compared to the entire population, a tiny almost infinitesimally few people claiming to know for sure (scientists), assure us it's true, while a large portion of the deniers claim it's untrue.
       How in the world do we reconcile these two groups and their differences? It's true about 3% of climate scientists and about 3% of all scientists are convinced it is untrue and unnecessary that we should do anything to preserve an already safe environment. What more do we need? Well, insofar as our Congress is concerned, we need no more than to know that many voters are concerned about their jobs more than some distant potential tragedy. And after all, it still gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer. And what if the ocean levels rise a tiny bit? I won't be here a hundred years from now, but my job will be if you leave it alone.
       Thing is, your job is unlikely to be here in a hundred years if climate change doesn't worry you now. And as for Congress, when they get a bug in their heads, they'll say anything to get you to stand behind them. Even if it's against your best interests. You know that as well as I do. I wish it weren't true, but come campaign time these folks will lie, cheat and even steal just to get your vote.
       Of course once the election is over watch to see how many politicians dig tornado cellars, build water storage facilities, and dikes around their homes. Because they mostly know better than what they tell you. 97% of all scientists know and believe climate change is real and that human activity is the major cause. And nearly all who are involved with industry know that jobs in new fields will replace those lost in old, its just that owners of old technology industries hate to admit it. Remember, horses gave way to internal combustion engines and they'll give way to the next technology. But technology will only help if we admit the truth.

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