Saturday, December 19, 2015

We've Got A Budget!

       Now he's done it. Now President Obama has added another half trillion dollars to the deficit, and with only a stroke of the pen. Well, actually it was the House of Representatives that did it, but of course Obama will be accused of doing it, so he should get any credit too. This, even though it was a veto-proof vote. Of course the Senate will also need to vote on it as well and you can bet they'll make a few modest changes just to show they're doing their job.
       Of course there are some good things about this 1.1 Trillian dollar budget, like continuing funding for Planned Parenthood, but mainly it's a big giveaway on tax cuts. Of course Conservatives will tell you that tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations actually help the economy grow. And truth be told, it does make one segment of the economy grow. The wealthy make more money and get to keep more of that money, and they are a segment of the economy.
       So ya see, it's true what they say about tax cuts. In the meantime you're gonna have to pay more taxes in order to pay for some of those tax cuts and your children are gonna have to pay more taxes, and your grandchildren and great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and on and on. And do you know why? It's because politicians can't help themselves.  Politicians just can't help but make promises they can't keep. They just naturally can't pass up a chance to give money away to folks who don't need it and make folks who can't afford it pay for those gifts.
       The reason this budget passed overwhelmingly is because there's something in it for everybody. Well, everybody but you. No, on second thought there is something in it for you. The Bill!

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