Friday, December 4, 2015

Can You Believe That?

       If yesterday was 'did you know day', then today must be 'I can't believe they did that day.' Yesterday the Senate voted down an amendment to block people on the Terrorist Watch List from buying guns. Yep, you read that right. Republicans blocked the measure. It seems they'd rather allow suspected terrorists to buy any kind of guns legally than cave to Democrats ( and I might add, about 90% of Americans) demands for some kind of limitation on gun sales.
       One Republican Senator voted in favor of the amendment and one Democrat voted against it. So for you folks in Pennsylvania, next election just remember that our Senator Pat Toomey prefers to allow terrorists to buy guns in America. In fact he insists on allowing terrorists to buy our guns. I think you could almost say Senator Toomey is a friend to terrorists. Not really, that's unfair. I'm sure Mr. Toomey hates terrorists almost as much as you or I, but somehow he's decided more gun sales is more important than stopping terrorists from buying guns.
       When is it proper to allow for partisan politics and when has that sport gone too far? I mean lets face it, Democrats love to vote against Republican wishes and Republicans love to reciprocate. It's what they do in Washington. I suspect they even keep score. I'm not sure if they keep track and announce a winner monthly, quarterly, annually or by some other means. I do know that by a clear margin, the Republicans win this competition far more often than do Democrats.
       But while scoring one for the team may be good in most sports, when it comes to the U.S. Congress, the team they're all supposed to support is us, not any party. If there's any partying to be done, we're the ones entitled to do it. Unfortunately it's Congress that does the partying and we get stuck with the bill. They get to go home with the hot chick, namely corporate sponsorship.

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