Sunday, November 29, 2015

Arm Everyone.

       Robert Lewis Dear shot twelve people in Colorado last week. Three died, one a police officer. Of the nine who were wounded, five were police officers. But it was at a Planned Parenthood facility so I suppose some will suggest it was justified. S-I-C-K! The Republican candidates for the presidency have mostly decided it needs no comment at this point.
       I'm waiting for some sort of response from the NRA. I wonder if they will suggest that this incident wouldn't have taken place if only there were more guns there. Hey folks, ya gotta understand this is a tough spot to put Conservatives in. On the one hand more guns is the bible quote of nearly all Conservatives, but on the other hand there were six policemen who were shot. They all carried guns. But on another hand this was a hated Planned Parenthood center, but on the other hand not everybody that got shot was an employee of the hated center.
       I'll bet Trump and Carson and a few others are agonizing over this one.  I'm waiting for the decision on strategy from the Republican clan of presidential hopefuls. My bet is on the line that "it's all Planned Parenthood's fault." Yep, if only Planned Parenthood wouldn't offer so much women's medical care with all those tests they do for women. Then we could have closed them up. Then there wouldn't have been this killing spree.
       Think I'm kidding? Just wait and see the responses from Democrats and Moms Against Guns and other anti-firearms groups. That's when the NRA will feel forced to speak out about this situation. And I'm sure they'll work something into their narrative about the need for more guns and less Planned Parenthood. That's right folks, the NRA is about to join the Pro Birth People, aka Pro Life.

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