Monday, October 5, 2015

What Planet?

       I was pleased to see, in the news recently, that NASA is showing renewed and serious interest in Mars. Having found there to be running salt water on that neighbor, it only makes sense that we visit the red planet. After all, we have plenty of salt water here on earth with which to practice.  
       And after all, having solved all of the problems on our home world as well as all of the disagreements between it's various inhabitants, it's high time that we look to another planet whose problems we might, in our experienced problem solving manner, begin to work our magic on.
       If there's one thing America is exceptional at it's solving other peoples problems. We may not do so well with our own disagreements, but when it comes to OPP (Other People's Problems) we have long felt we had the best solutions and the willingness to enforce our opinions.
       This will stand us in good stead in the event we come across any small green men on that red planet. If they turn out to be adversaries, we can teach them the basics in good bipartisanship and if they be a peaceful lot, well, we can change that too.
       My hope is that we put into practice our ability to agree on matters of great and minor import in determining the best route to take to get there, utilizing all of the best science at our disposal including any political considerations required to pander to those of corporate donors and base voting blocks. Bear in mind that, because we have two parties, there should be two distinctly different routes to reach the red planet and I recommend we use both.

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