Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Would They Do This?

       Okay, how is it that many members of Congress want to cut back on the benefits paid to the unemployed, but manage to shut down the government thereby throwing many more onto the unemployed roles? And why is it that the reason for shutting down the government is because they want to either defund or repeal the Affordable Care Act? If you vote forty three times (and counting) to repeal or defund the ACA, and every time you do, it's defeated in the Senate, don't you think it's time to learn that your wishes don't mesh with the majority? Shouldn't you begin to try to make changes to the law rather than keep wasting time on a ritual that can't work?
       I understand that many people just don't believe this plan will work or at least won't work well. I also understand that there are some who think it will work and that somehow that will hurt their party. I also understand that some folks just don't like it because of a President they don't like, don't think is an American and don't think his kind should be in the White House. I understand there are people like that, I just don't understand why.
       Here's something else I don't understand. I don't understand why these folks would try a tactic that was tried before and did the exact opposite of what they wanted to happen. Seventeen years ago, a government shutdown was tried and the party that pushed it to happen is the party that suffered most for doing it, in the next few elections. If you make a mistake once and don't learn from it, why would you expect a different outcome this time?
      Perhaps the thinking is that with enough money thrown at the electorate, shutting down the government can be turned into an asset. And I believe that's quite possible, presuming the other side doesn't throw just as much money right back at the initiators. But why would any group think they're the only ones with money to spend on this? Unless there are just enough people involved who actually want to see the end of government as we know it. Now in some cases I'd agree that's a good idea. Until I think about the consequences. Then I don't like the idea much at all.

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