Thursday, July 4, 2013

Just What Is Leadership Anyway?

       On this July forth, I just finished reading an article in the N.Y. Times about how some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence suffered considerable loss of property, health and life. There were 56 men who signed that document and nearly all were personally involved in the Revolution in one way or another.
Nearly all were wealthy men. A dozen or so were involved to their great misfortune. Although I doubt they regretted their actions.
       Then you have to ask yourselves if our leaders of today would do likewise. The number of our leaders today who actually wore the uniform of our country as compared with those of the Revolution is dismal. To be sure, there was substantial discourse and disagreement before a Declaration of Independence would be signed. In the end they came to agreement and then stood by that agreement.
       What I find particularly ugly today is how even after agreement is reached, laws are passed, even then, there is far too much backstabbing and arguments against laws rather than proposals to amend. Take the Affordable Care Act. Whether or not you agree with Obamacare, it's the law. If you don't like it, change it. To waste the time of Congress 37 times in vain efforts to repeal it is nothing short of an act of lunacy.
       I admit I haven't read the Act. I don't know completely what it says, I can't believe any of these folks who keep voting for repeal have any clear understanding of what it does or does not do. Why would you vote to disassemble something without knowing what harm you might do? But that's just one example.
       This country's current leaders are not up to the job of leading us. Top leadership in both parties in Congress and the Administration seem to lack that greatness we saw in our founding fathers. I'm convinced it has to do with a willingness to put personal service ahead of personal gain. Today we see a desire for personal gain ahead of personal service. To bad. For us.

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