Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Not Guns Again.

       Can you believe, we're still arguing about guns? Maybe it's time to come to some agreements. I don't think any sane American thinks all guns should be disallowed. I don't think any sane American thinks all ammunition should be banned. Not even most. I don't think anyone believes anyone else who wants a gun should have to jump through a year's worth of hoops for permission to own or use a gun.
       Okay, that's a start. But now comes the hard part. I think most people think that a few, very few, guns and a very few types of ammo should be restricted, for the reason that they're more dangerous and least useful for any legal activity. And I would include large capacity magazines. Of course there are those who think that an assault rifle is good protection in the home. Nonsense. In a home, it's the worst protection, short of none at all, perhaps.
       If we'd like to keep guns out of the hands of those who shouldn't be allowed to have a gun, background checks is the only way available to accomplish that feat. And even though it ain't perfect, it's still our best chance. And as time goes by, the chances improve. Only the NRA and some few kooks are against it. So where do you stand?
       No matter what, the worst thing we can do is to do nothing. That only insures more of what caused us to be talking about this in the first place. Violence, like sin, will always be with us. That doesn't mean we should just accept it. Buy a shotgun and get a good night's sleep. Then tell your Congressman and Senators to be sensible for a change. That's the really hard part.

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