Monday, February 25, 2013

The Recycling Woes.

       Have you mastered the recycling challenge yet? I admit I haven't. Why is it that some plastic is okay and some isn't? Why is clear and brown and blue glass okay, but green glass isn't? How do you tell which metals are more valuable than others? Ya know what I think? I think the makers of glass and plastic and metals never liked this recycling business. So as long as they have to do it, they're going to make it as hard to do as they can. We should all suffer.
       Look at plastics. There are thousands of types of plastic, maybe tens of thousands of types. So they stamp tiny numbers on the bottom or someplace. You have to know which numbers are okay. I never learned. That's because half the time I can't find that number on the plastic thing I don't need anymore. Usually an empty container. It's empty because I used all the stuff inside it. Even  when I can find the numbers, they're so small or invisible I can't read it. And don't forget, I never memorized the numbers.
       Why is it that they identify green with being a good steward, ecologically, but won't accept green glass. Brown is okay. Why is that? What's the difference between blue or brown and green? If green is bad, why do they make it? Don't those companies have the technology to make other colors? What about paper? Some like magazine paper, some places don't.
       Some places demand you separate everything, others only some things. The whole recycling thing is in need of a major overhaul. If recycling is so important, and I believe it is, why do they make it so exasperating to comply with all the different and varied rules? It really does seem like they don't want you to bother. Even though recycling has become a profit center for nearly all communities and for the recycling centers that receive, separate and ship to the companies that want and depend on all that recycled product.
       I think that all metals, glass, paper and plastic should be recycled. If it can't be recycled, it shouldn't be allowed to be made. Like all that shrink wrapping from toys and etc in stores. Maybe if they couldn't shrink wrap things, maybe there'd be more clerks around to go fetch it for you. That would put more people back to work. That would be a good thing.

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