Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rewards Are Unfair, Punishment too.

       I admit it. Over the last three years I've poked fun at and found fault with a whole lot of people. Mostly because I think most of those folks have been rewarded for jobs not very well done. Ya see, my philosophy is that we reward the wrong people for the wrong reasons and punish other folks for the wrong reasons. Now it's true, we do reward some of the right folks for the right reasons, and of course we sometimes punish the right people for the right reasons.
       All of that is true, but if you think about it, why should some movie actor or singer or athlete or politician make untold millions, while a whole lot of soldiers get low pay and wind up with poor care, or teachers get dumped on because it's political hay to do it. Look at farmers. They work about as hard as anybody in the country, but for the most part, they struggle to make ends meet. Even though we need them a whole lot more than we need a good quarterback.
       Ya know, when ya think about it, politicians are given a job to do. In your state capital or Washington. When they get there, the things they worry about and fight for are not what the state or country needs. Not even what's wanted.
       Look at out Congress.  This last August they had a rating of just 10%. That a record low. Right now, in December, their rating is 18%, the second lowest rating at the end of a congress, in history. And yet the vast majority got reelected. How come? They can't even agree to protect women from abuse, or fair treatment for disabled around the world. They can't even agree to pay the bills they voted to incur. Who decides to buy something and then decides that even though they like it, they're not gonna pay for it? Our Congress, that's who.
       Look at the Senate. Did you know that the Senate is ruled by one person? One person has final say as to what gets done. That person could be any one of the 100 Senators. And he, or she, can do it in complete secrecy. Or the house, where a minority of congressmen can hold the House hostage by threatening any Congressman that doesn't do as he's told, with a primary fight. And where multi-millionaires control the purse strings of the campaigns of nearly all of the members of both houses.
       In the meantime the folks that make this country work, get laid off, cut to part time, threatened with less support, accused of being takers instead of givers, and forced to work two or three jobs just to put food on the table. Why is someone who can hit a ball with a stick, worth more that you are?

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