Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a Word On Gun Power.

       I suspect that very soon you will see, hear or read about the NRA explaining that the right to carry a concealed firearm or assault weapon would have saved the elementary children in Connecticut. Yes friends another conservative legislator will recommend that laws be passed to require everyone to carry a Kalashnikov automatic rifle everywhere but in the shower.
       This tragedy is no time to try to make funny, but neither is it time to hear the National Riflemen's Association push the gun manufacturer's agenda of more gun sales. Please don't mistake my anger at laws making some gun ownership and gun carry rights more prevalent with a sign that I'm against all gun ownership. I believe in the right of every American to own and use firearms, but with some notable exceptions.
       If you need to carry a handgun, you need to prove you should have that right and if you think you need to have an assault rifle, you probably don't.
 I think that if you're going to stand your ground, you'd better be prepared to prove you needed to. Not just because you felt like it, but because you truly were in danger. And can prove it. Such changes to the rules might not have saved the lives of these very young students who had their lives placed in all of our hands for safe keeping, but it wouldn't have placed them in greater danger. Not having such changes, does place young children and all of us in greater danger.

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