Sunday, November 25, 2012

If Science Is A great Mystery, Who's The Villain?

       I'm not a scientist, man! Huh. So says a young man with a political future that just might include a run for the presidency in four years. When asked how old the world is, Marco Rubio of Florida and a U.S. Senator, explained "I'm not a scientist, man." Ya know what? I'm not either, but I do know that it's billions of years old and not a few thousand years old. I also know, as I've said before, Adam and Eve never kept a herd of dairy dinosaurs.
       Now to be fair, Senator Rubio is a politician. And politicians never want to insult a potential voter. And especially if you're a conservative politician who must run in a conservative party that is so inclusive that it accepts and invites people like evangelical extremely ultraconservative zealots, and no tax under any circumstances right wing libertarian type extremists.
       If you aspire to higher office. In any party. Even a party that invites and accepts ultra liberal tax and spend zealots. You just can't disagree with these types of people, either right wing or left wing, without the chance of losing some of their votes.
       I understand that. But if you feel that strongly about getting votes, should you feel strongly enough about science to sit on a science committee? It seems to me that you can't sit on a science committee and yet turn around and make a statement like the one Marco made. You're either for science or against it.
       If there's a scientific statement made that I disagreed with, I guess I should look it up. You know, like research it? If I don't have enough interest to do at least that much, maybe I shouldn't be on such a committee. It's not so much that I don't think he should be on that committee. It's that I think he should repeat elementary school before he serves on the committee.
       Now maybe he actually does know, but fears the loss of votes. It's truly unfortunate that a smart man has to act dumb to get nominated. What if he was a scientist? What would he have said then? Just remember, he needs votes.

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