Monday, June 25, 2012

Immigration Laws.

Well the Supreme Court struck down three of the four sections of the Arizona immigration law, in spite of what you may or did hear from the Arizona governor. But not to be too careful, they did allow states to hold anyone who a police office considers may be an illegal. What does that mean? Racial profiling. Now you'll certainly hear yelps of pain from those who plan to do just that. They'll claim that they would never do that. They'll claim that, all the while they're doing it. Of course, this opens up additional possibilities as well. Suppose your mother, lets say a fine redheaded Irish lady, gets pulled over for speeding. The officer admonishes her for exceeding the speed limit by, oh lets say, thirty miles an hour. That would be just about enough for that fine Irish lady to lose her temper and give the office an earful. Well, now that officer has an additional option. He can arrest her for possibly being in this country illegally. Now your mom can be found in the local lockup, until you can provide proof that she is a legal resident. If your mom is like mine was, she won't remember where those documents are. So by the time you rifle through all her files and boxes to find it, she will already have been deported. On the other hand, maybe you've always wanted an excuse to visit Ireland. Well, now's your chance. Just be advised. She may not be in the best of humor when you see her. If she gives you a piece of her mind, you can send a letter of thanks to the Supreme Court.

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