Saturday, April 28, 2012

Big Is Big, Not Good Or Bad.

Ho ho. Listen to this. Some of the biggest banks in the country are complaining that the FED is trying to cut them down in size. Now I don't know if that's true, but they claim that big isn't bad, Big is good. Big is good? Let's think about that a bit. The only banks that had to be bailed out were the extra big banks, right? No small banks were classified as too big to fail, were there? And which banks needed bailouts the most? Wasn't it big banks? Who got caught misusing the derivatives markets the most? Wasn't it big banks? Which banks bundled those toxic mortgages, sold them as good investments and then bet against them? Big Banks. Which banks had to send their CEOs to testify before congress? Whose CEOs couldn't understand why everybody was mad at them for causing or helping to cause the Great Recession? It wasn't the corner, local bank, as I recall. Those CEOs seemed mystified that anyone would think they did anything wrong. You have to give them credit though. They said they were innocent just as though they actually believed it. I mean, who could put on such a glorious performance and not deserve to be allowed to continue, unfettered, in their drive to make an "honest" buck or two. And who, in an election year, would consider stomping on such fine upstanding citizens? Oh the travesty of this whole affair. It's unsavory to say the least. How could anyone feel anger against these gentile folk and their simple honest institutions of higher interest. They've done nothing but to try to live the American dream of developing a bigger portfolio, complete with stock options and a golden parachute for every member of their boards. But them first.

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