Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maybe It's time To Bad-mouth The TV & Radio Talk-heads.

Since the tragedy in Tucson, Az there have been calls for more civility in politics. What could be wrong with that? Well, there are more then a few people who seem to find fault with that idea. On the one side there has been blame pointed at those who use some rather violent rhetoric. I admit I'm one of the ones who pointed a finger, and I still believe such language does foster violence, even if not in this case. But to suggest that it's OK or even sound political discourse, is utter nonsense. If you want the truth about that kind of rhetoric, it is always intended to hide the truth. That's right. If you don't have a strong case, or if you're outmatched in debate, the standard defense is to make loud, false claims about your opponent. Now, there's a difference between this kind of talk and plain old, honest anger, although getting mad isn't the best thing to allow yourself to do. But the difference is, that sitting in front of a mike and making crude or false statements isn't getting mad, it's a blatant attempt to incite. And you can easily tell if the statements are false. If it sounds like someone is being accused of criminal acts or anti-Americanism, you can pretty much assume it's a lie. That it's meant to incite. If it were true, they'd have contacted the police already. Anyway, getting back to the idea of toning down the rhetoric, there is one very important benefit; you'll get to learn some  important information about the issues that are critical to all of us. You might even find out some truths you didn't know, if that's important to you. The next time you hear some radio or TV talk-head bad mouthing someone ,chalk it up for what it is. Nonsense.

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