Monday, August 9, 2010

Why Do Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer?

Hey, what's going on? When's the last time you heard somebody say that taxes are too high? I mean besides just now? Probably within the last couple of days. So, why is everyone so worried about taxes? Well, of course, people have always felt taxes were too high. Probably even before there were taxes. Which was a very long time ago. So, is the answer to cut taxes? Even if it means fewer teachers? Fewer paved roads? Fewer police and firemen? Where do we say "Stop"? When is it OK to raise taxes? What parts of education can we do without? If we allow our transportation network to fall into disrepair and our educational institutions to fall behind the rest of the world, is it OK? To be sure, the wealthy will always be able to find someplace where their kids can get a good education, but how about yours? Can we afford to give tax breaks to the wealthiest one or two percent of our population as a trade-off for schools and roads and cops and all that? It's easy for me to say tax the rich. I'm not rich. But how about you? Do you mind if some rich guy gets a tax break while you pay more and get less? I'll bet I know how rich people feel about it.

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