Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It appears the Republicans in Congress have seen the light, or at least saw some sort of glimmer of light. They were dead set against the Democrat bill being worked on. They felt it was bad for business and the country and should be scrapped. Presumably in favor of one they would come up with. After all, they are the minority in charge. That was until they were for it, or at least willing to help refine it. What caused this turn-about? My guess is that they were hearing from everyone from conservative Christians to Tea-Partiers to, well, most likely everybody except the Wall Street Lobbyists. This is probably not the best time to be a Wall Street Lobbyist, if your bonus is dependant on scuttling any legislation. Of course they won't give up just yet. They may not be able to stop legislation from happening, but it's not too late to eliminate any meaningful measures in the bill. You know, like telling them they can't continue with business as usual. There's still time to word this new legislation so that it doesn't change anything. After all, that's what these lobbyists were hired to do, isn't it? So, will it be the end of the rooten tooten, shoot em up, round um up, wild west of the east, Wall Street? Or will Wall Street come out on top again? As the Duke would have said, "Well Pilgrim" we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, don't hold your breath thinking the world will be safe from these Dastardly Villains of Wall Street. They'll think of some way to make a buck or billion.

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