Thursday, April 1, 2010

Giddy Up Hoss

If you had to guess, what state do you think is unwilling to go along with new math and English standards? If you guessed Texas, you must have peaked. Yep, them there Texicans ain't goin to let no Federal help get in the way of their decision to confuse their children. They're against common academic standards like the rest of the country wants. Nope. Just because the rest of the country (OK Alaska doesn't either) is getting together to make sure that every child is getting the same quality education, at the same time, no matter where they go, doesn't mean Texas children will. You got it folks. They can still major in Rodeo 101 and pickup racing 106, you just can't learn about two plus two till high school. Oh yes. And they don't like Thomas Jefferson either. So what you learned about our forefathers isn't exactly what the folks back home in Lookinback will learn. Texas State School Board Member Don McLeroy is dead set against change that isn't in lockstep with his Fundamentalist Christian beliefs. Now, I firmly believe in religious freedom. But to me, that means everybody should have religious freedom, not just him. Religious freedom does not mean "my way or the highway". It's not freedom, if you can only be free in one religion. Don't get me wrong, they have pretty good food in Texas, but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it.

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