Monday, February 4, 2013

You're Credit Card, Strip Searched.

       America, we've got a problem. Well, actually we've got a whole host of problems. But I'm talking about two particular areas of concern. They are drone strikes and cyber-warfare. Folks don't like to think about either. They just aren't the stuff that most people want to worry about. We'd all like them both to just go away. After all, you can't put your hand on them, feel them.
       The folks who do care about them are government and corporate types and people at the ground zero of these two types of warfare. If you happen to be meeting with a terrorist leader, it might be wise to keep it short and then get out of there. If you're a CEO, you might want to get your hands on some really good software and someone smart enough to be able to use it wisely.
       The problem for America when it comes to drones is that people in targeted countries are mad as wet hens about it. But in actual fact, there is less collateral damage from a drone then from an invasion. Even a small one. The problem for America on cyber-warfare is to know how far we can go to be preemptive and how do we get corporate America to go along with our help.
       Here's the thing though. Just because the government can help protect us, doesn't mean we should accept that help. We need to know what we have to give up to get that help. Look at all the protection we were given after 911. Much of it was good, but some of it wasn't as good. Like searching 80 and 90 year old ladies at airports.
       Of course those searches were openly done. We knew they were happening. But what about the searches made legal that we never knew about. Like phone taps and internet spying. Who knows if we have our mail searched, or our credit card purchases examined. It's probably being done. What about keeping those records indefinitely? The real problem we have is trust. Do we?

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