Monday, February 18, 2013

What Would Reagan Do?

       Whether you are a strong believer in Reaganomics or not, there's an OpEd in the New York Times today that you should find interesting. It's called Reaganism After Reagan. What it boils down to is it suggests that the policies Reagan used, worked on the problems of the 1970s and 1980s. But those problems were solved and the problems of the 2000s and 2010s are different and require different solutions.
       Now I'm not a particular fan of President Reagan, but this makes sense to me. Whether or not his policies alone were the reasons for the problems this country faced back then to be solved is another question. Today, the question needs to be not the same tired old policies, but what new policies, different policies, will help most in this time and place.
       If we still had a top income tax of 70%, I'd say we need to reduce taxes, but we don't. The top income tax has been about 35% for most of the last decade. Isn't it time to worry about the rest of the population? The top earners got their taxes nearly cut in half. But the rest of us haven't seen much help. So maybe it is time to raise the top earners a little in order for the rest of us to enjoy a little tax break.
       John F. Kennedy's quote that "A rising tide floats all boats", didn't actually work out. The wealthiest tax payers got to keep a lot more of their income, but the same can't be said for the rest of Americans. So it looks like maybe the top earners got too much of a tax cut. Maybe they need to give some of it back for the rest of us.
       Back then we had inflation of nearly 10% or more. but today it keeps hovering around 2%. Wouldn't you say we need to handle controls a little differently now-a-days? So, if you're a true Reagan fan, or detractor, maybe we should be looking for the right policies for today. Yesteryear is done.

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